Pets and CBD use: Common questions from pet parents

Pet parents are beginning to discover that hemp and CBD can be used for their pets and not just for themself. Pet parents have all kinds of questions about CBD use and their pet. Below are some of those common questions.
What are some reasons people might give their pet CBD?
There are a few reasons people might give their pet CBD. Some people might believe that CBD can help with conditions like anxiety, arthritis, and pain. Others might give their pet CBD in order to help them relax or to reduce inflammation.
How do people give CBD to their pets?
The most common way that people give CBD to their pets is by mixing the oil into their pet's food. Some people also give their pets CBD oil drops directly in the mouth (the very best way). Growing in popularity are soft chews (treats) infused with hemp and CBD.
How much CBD should you give to your pet?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the amount of CBD that is appropriate for a pet may vary depending on the size and weight of the animal, as well as the severity of the condition being treated. However, a good rule of thumb is to start with a low dose and gradually increase it until you achieve the desired results.
What are the risks of giving CBD to pets?
There are no known risks of giving CBD to dogs. Cats have a greater concern for terpenes. Make sure there are no added terpenes in your product. Many human CBD products advertise increased terpenes. Never substitute CBD or any other supplement for a trip to the veterinarian.
What are some things people should keep in mind when giving their pet CBD?
Some things people should keep in mind when giving their pet CBD include the following: CBD products are not regulated by the FDA, so it is important to do your research on the company producing the CBD product to ensure you are getting a quality product. The dosage of CBD oil for pets can vary depending on the weight and size of the pet, so it is important to start with a low dosage and slowly increase it until you see the desired results. It is important to consult with a veterinarian before giving CBD to a pet, as there may be interactions with other medications the pet is taking.
How do you know if your pet is responding to CBD?
There is no one definitive answer to this question. CBD oil and other CBD products can provide relief for many pets, but the way each pet responds to CBD will vary. Some pets may show immediate improvements, while others might take a little longer to respond. It is important to be patient and keep track of how your pet is doing. If you notice any changes in your pet's behavior or health, consult with your veterinarian.
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