The 5 Most Common Causes Of Dog Deaths

The 5 Most Common Causes Of Dog Deaths - Hemp Well

The top 5 most common causes of death for dogs is a sad, yet important subject to consider when owning a pet. It is important to be aware of what may eventually lead to the death of your beloved companion so that proper preventative measures can be taken.


Old age

As with humans, old age is one of the major causes of death in dogs. This can be attributed to the fact that many breeds of dogs, such as toy poodles and Chihuahuas, have an average life span of between 10-15 years.



Sadly, cancer is a leading cause of death in dogs too, just like humans. While there are treatments available, they can be costly and not all cancers are curable.

Digestive disorders

Many gastrointestinal diseases, such as bloat, are common in older dogs and can be fatal if not treated promptly. Other digestive issues that frequently lead to death include pancreatitis, internal parasites, and liver disease.


Trauma from motor vehicle collisions, animal attacks, or falls can be fatal for dogs. Injuries sustained from these types of accidents often cause internal bleeding or organ damage that quickly proves too much for the body to handle.

Infectious disease

Common illnesses like parvo and distemper are highly contagious and can be deadly if not addressed immediately. Vaccinations are an effective way to reduce the risk of these fatal diseases.


Overall, these five common causes of death in dogs should serve as reminders of why preventative measures are important when caring for your pet. By being informed on these issues, you can take necessary steps to ensure your beloved companion has a longer and healthier life.