How CBD Oil Saved Our Cat and Started an Industry

How CBD Oil Saved Our Cat and Started an Industry - Hemp Well

When our cat, Ginger, got very sick, our veterinarian thought it might be a good idea to put her down. She had been sick for a long time, and her condition was only getting worse. We were heartbroken, but we didn't know what else to do.

Then, I remembered that I had some CBD oil at home. I had been using it for my own health, and I had heard that it could be helpful for animals as well. I decided to give it to Ginger, and to our amazement, she got better!

Within a few days, Ginger started to show signs of improvement. She had more energy, she was eating better, and she was even starting to play again. My family and I were so happy that we had decided to give CBD oil a try.

We continued to give Ginger CBD oil every day, and learn more about her diet and other supplements (besides hemp), and she continued to improve. She lived for another six years, and she was a happy and healthy cat for the rest of her life.

We created Hemp Well because we want to help other pet parents who are facing the same challenges that we faced. We know that hemp and CBD can help us and our pets with so many things, and we wanted to make it available to as many pets as possible.

If you are a pet parent who is looking for a natural way to support the health of your pet, like we did, we encourage you to try.